ACT vs. SAT Comparison

Thoughts on choosing the ACT vs SAT There are several thousand (at least) articles on the internet discussing this question, so why not one more! But seriously, a few thoughts about what I have observed regarding students deciding which test to take: Every college accepts the ACT in lieu of the SAT. Most parents here…


Willpower (Part II)

My last post spoke about willpower, specifically noting that your supply of willpower is finite and that it is used up for all different kinds of things requiring self-control.  There are many ways that this relates to test-taking, but I would like to clearly state some very important truths right here: 1. If you are…


Willpower (Part I)

In their book “Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength,” Roy F. Baumeister and John Tierney share an amazing amount of information about willpower, or self-control. One interesting point they make is that a number of studies have shown two particular lessons concerning human willpower: “1. You have a finite amount of willpower that becomes depleted…
